The documentary series Zanat, through its creative portrayal of traditional artisan stories, aims to educate and inform new generations (as well as remind older ones) about the revered crafts that are essential to society.
In these current times, the creators of the documentary series believe it is imperative to return to traditional values and encourage current generations to embrace crafts that can enhance society.
The first season comprises 12 episodes showcasing fantastic crafts, depicted through captivating narratives and an exceptionally cinematic reality to reveal the creativity inherent in these crafts.
The series is authored and directed by Filip Filković Philatz, Toni Renaud is director of photography.
Director: Filip Filković Philatz
Director of photography: Toni Renaud
Producer: Renata Lučić
Executive producer: Zlata Cetina Terzić
Editor: Franko Dujmić
Script: Filip Filković Philatz
Camera assistant: Pavle Kocanjer
Production: More-Magnets
Made in 2021.